
Countless people will tell you that being a wife and mother is not easy. We all know that there are so many things in each of our lives that can make this task seem impossible. I, for one, struggle with my calling and how I can have a ministry mindset in my day to day living. I know that my husband and then my family are my first ministries, but it is easy to put serving others at church first rather than serving my family. In this crazy journey called life, I often wonder if I am living up to my potential and it is easy to lose focus. The purpose of this blog is to share with and hopefully encourage others to take up the calling God has on their own lives, to live daily with a ministry mindset, and to look at each day (no matter how seemingly ordinary) as an opportunity to bring God the glory of a day lived for Him. It is not always a glamorous or easy task, but for me, it is worth living every day as a God fearing ministry minded mama.

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